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Lenovo 14e Chromebook 81MH0006US 14" Chromebook - 1920 x 1080


$9.99 /week

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Term: 4.5 Months or 78 weeks | Buy It Now: $ 356.99
Rental Agreement Total Cost $ 779.22

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$10.00 Gets It Delivered, not all merchandise qualifies for this offer. Normal payments will begin on the date and in the amount stated in the agreement. Normal payments depend on the merchandise selected. Agreement pay frequencies are based on income. Some restrictions apply.

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  • Overview

    Why Chromebooks

    Chromebooks are a new breed of computers that use technology more intuitively so you can better experience everything you enjoy. With just a Google login account, you can be up and running in less than 8 seconds. Seamless integration and collaboration with Google Photos, Docs, Music, Drive and more make being productive or having fun a snap. Because Chromebooks automatically update, you always have the latest features and virus protection. They don't slow down over time either-they just keep getting better and better.

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